Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Opulent Minimalist!

Guess who has a new couch, a new shaggy rug, and a new apartment? :)


Anonymous said...


court 9?

april yim said...

Ur rug sheds alot lah brudder :P

Raksha said...

Dude, as high as I was when I got home, I could tell my black pants was RUINED with all the furballs from your shaggy rug. My maid probably thinks I've been rolling around with a mutant cat. But that's all right, dude, I forgive you. You'll just have to *cough* hand over the rug and all is well. I'll uhh...leave it for safety keeping in my room. Protect the other innocents, you know? Lol.

El Nino said...

yes it sheds a lot. gotta bathe it every week and check it for ticks. Sorry people for not vacuuming it before we had the party. But elaine, I love my rug and i'm definitely not handing it over! And you were high as a kite! du-uuuuuuuuuuuuuTTTT!!!